Online Access to Ultrasound

Online Access to 'Ultrasound'

The BMUS membership subscription entitles members to receive the print journal and to be able to access the full text (and tables of contents and abstracts) of articles from Ultrasound.

Please note that the online Full Text offers the additional facility of CrossRef linking: the cross-publisher reference linking service that turns citations into hyperlinks, thereby allowing researchers to navigate online literature interactively. Cited references are listed online as live hyperlinks.


In addition to the print journal, BMUS members can access the Ultrasound journal online, to do so please ensure that you are logged in as a member on the BMUS website, click on 'My Locker' in the top right hand side of the home page and choose 'Journals' in the left hand menu bar; you will then be directed to the Sage Publications site.



Once on the Sage journals members site, under 'Browse Jourmals by Discipline' choose Health Sciences, this will direct you to another webpage, where you can either choose a subject from a drop down box i.e Radiology or you can choose the letter 'U' from the alpha list and Ultrasound will be displayed.