BMUS Activity
The BMUS 56th Annual Scientific Meeting
9th - 11th December 2025
Harrogate Convention Centre

Ultrasound 2025
The BMUS 56th Annual Scientific Meeting
9th - 11th December 2025
Harrogate Convention ...
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Preceptorship Endorsement Scheme
Apply today for our Preceptroship Endorsement Scheme.
The British Medical Ultrasound Society is a multi-disciplinary body whose objectives are:
- The advancement of the science and technology of ultrasonics as applied to medicine.
- The maintenance of the highest standards in these fields
- The advancement of education and research in these areas, and dissemination of the results.
- The provision of advice and information regarding ultrasound to the public at large.
Membership of the society is drawn from a wide range of disciplines including medical and paramedical professions, physicists, engineers, nurses, midwives, technicians, general practitioners, vets and others with an interest in medical ultrasound both in the United Kingdom and overseas.
The success of the Society stems to a great extent from its multi-disciplinary nature, its regular special topic meetings, its Annual Scientific meeting and its quarterly scientific journal 'Ultrasound'.