Hysterosalpingo-Contrast Sonography and the Subtle Secondary Signs of Tubal Patency.

Mary O'Reilly (Senior Radiographer), Our Lady's Hospital, Navan, Ireland. 


1 in 6 couples are affected by Subfertility. Abnormalities of the female reproductive system are responsible for 70% of cases with Tubal factors contributing to 20% of these cases. Tubal assessment is therefore an important part of the infertility investigation. HyFoSy is a well-tolerated, all-inclusive screening test for tubal patency. It is an ideal initial investigation, giving real time imaging without radiation and eliminating the need for general anaesthetic. HyFoSy is a modification of HyCoSy. Foam created from diluted ExEm gel is used as a hyperechogenic contrast agent. Literature suggests its superior to HyCoSy with saline for demonstrating tubal patency. This poster outlines the HyFoSy procedure and demonstrates some Subtle Secondary Sonographic signs of Tubal patency. 

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