Falling off the cliff: renal resistive index as a pre-procedural predictor of acute kidney injury risk. A critical review.

Heather Venables1, Iain Lennon2, Manuch Soleimani3, 1College of Health & Social Care University of Derby, 2University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, 3Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bath

Doppler renal resistive index (RRI) has been established as a useful prognostic indicator for renal recovery in critical care patients with confirmed acute kidney injury (AKI). In recent years, a small number of studies have emerged that consider pre-procedural measurement of RRI as a predictor of AKI in patients following major surgery and prediction of contrast induced AKI. These findings may have significant implications for patient management prior to contrast enhanced imaging procedures, assessment of pre-procedural risk and patient counselling prior to surgical intervention.

This poster presents a critical review of relevant studies.

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