2024 Technical Manual for the Exhibition
to be built
Contents |
Booking Form and Finance Information
Sponsor = Gold, Silver or Bronze Sponsors
Shell Scheme = All exhibitors not sponsoring
Deadline |
Action |
Who |
Return completed booking form and PO Number if this is required |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
If a purchase order number required for payment, please provide the number in writing at the time of the booking follow up with a hard copy. |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
Pay stand deposit (33%) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
30th June |
If sponsoring confirm how you would like your points allocated. |
Sponsor |
5th Sept |
Second stand payment (33%) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
6th Nov |
Final stand payment due (34%) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
All queries regarding your payments and finance should go to tracey@bmus.org
All sponsorship packages (Gold, Silver and Bronze) come with points to spend.
Shell scheme stands only packages can purchase points for additional marketing

2024 2024 ASM Booking Form
Building your stand or shell scheme booth
Deadline |
Action |
Who |
17th Oct |
Send in design plans, risk assessment & method statement |
Sponsor |
11th Nov |
Where required, ensure order for stand furniture has placed with Europa, send direct to sales@europainternational.com (Appendix A) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
15th Nov |
Advise contact name, phone number and e-mail address of your stand builder / contractor to tracey@bmus.org (Appendix H) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
15th Nov |
Provide list of contractors attending on set-up day (Appendix H) |
Sponsor |
15th Nov |
Additionally, advise the contact number for the driver of the vehicle delivering your stand to tracey@bmus.org |
Sponsor |
15th Nov |
Shell schemes to submit Name Board Order Form (Appendix O) |
Shell Scheme |
21st Nov |
Complete & return Health & Safety and Insurance Declaration Forms, (Appendix B) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
21st Nov |
Complete & return Risk Assessment forms (Appendix K) |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
21st Nov |
Ensure all equipment being used on the stand carries a current PAT test certificate |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
21st Nov |
Ensure all equipment being used in the practical sessions carries a current PAT test certificate |
Sponsor |
21st Nov |
Confirm draw down power for all machines to be used in practical training sessions to tracey@bmus.org |
Sponsor |
21st Nov |
Provide name of main contact on your stand |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
Stand Design / Risk Assessment
Your stand designs, risk assessment and method statement should be sent to tracey@bmus.org by
17th October for BMUS’s and the venue’s approval. This date may need to be adjusted.
Hire of furniture is not directly available from Coventry Building Society Arena whilst furniture can be directly ordered from the supplier of your choice; we would like to recommend Europa furniture who has supplied furniture to our exhibitors at previous conferences. Please visit their website at www.europainternational.com for options and prices.
Furniture should be ordered directly using the form at Appendix A. Please note that there is a surcharge for orders placed after 11th November.
* Please ensure you use the correct stand number when placing your order, and have a copy of your order form with you at the event build-up. BMUS cannot be held responsible for missing or incorrect furniture.
The exhibition hall is carpeted however if you require further carpet for your stand this can be supplied by Xhibit for your stand, please contact them with stand measurements and specifics at info@x-hibit.com. Please ensure that if carpet is required for your stand that it is ordered prior to the event as it cannot be guaranteed that there would be anything spare on delivery.
Please contact Xhibit directly to discuss the requirements for your stand by phoning Tim Bowen on 01323 811406 or emailing info@x-hibit.com.
Please ensure that your request for electricity for your stand is with X-hibit by 6th November.
Please note:
- Socket load must not exceed the ordered rating which you have agreed with Xhibit.
- Cable joints must be protected.
- Light fittings must comply with all regulations and be suitable for their use.
Any electrical equipment brought onsite must have a current PAT testing certificate and must be provided. All equipment and stands will be checked by a Safety Officer prior to the exhibition opening. All cables must be secured safely to avoid trip hazards. Please note, you will not be able to use any equipment that does not carry a current PAT test and the venue will charge to do this on your behalf.
You must order with Xhibit, the total amount of power that you will require in order to run the equipment on your stand, if you are unsure, please contact Tim Bowen on 01323 811406 or e-mail info@x-hibit.com.
Health and Safety
It is the exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure that their staff and contractors are fully compliant with the mandatory requirements.
The Health & Safety and Insurance Declaration Form at Appendix B must be completed by ALL exhibitors and returned by 21st November.
- The Health and Safety at Work Act, etc. 1974 (HASAWA74)
- The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
- The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
- The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
- The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
- Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
- Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Fire exits and gangways, should be kept free of obstruction, at all times.
BMUS and Coventry Building Society Arena, cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to stands, exhibits, property or equipment.
Exhibitors are responsible for insuring against any legal liability incurred in respect of injury or damage to persons or property belonging to themselves or third parties. In addition to this, exhibitors should protect expenditures against abandonment and cancellation or curtailment of the event due to reasons beyond BMUS’s control.
Stand Build-Up
Monday 9th December | 10.00 – 22.30 (space only exhibitors) allocated entry times will be given for unloading |
Monday 9th December | 14.00 – 22.00 (all exhibitors) |
Tuesday 10th December | 07.00 – 08.15 (all exhibitors) No unloading, limited stand dressing only |
Please note - Delegate registration will open @ 8am, delegates will then have access to the Exhibition from this time it is therefore, advised that you have staff in attendance from 8am.
Exhibition opening times
Tuesday 10th December | 08:00 – 18:00 |
The Welcome Drinks Reception will take place between | 17.00 – 18:00 |
Wednesday 11th December | 08:00 – 17:00 |
Thursday 12th December | 08:30 – 14:00 Stands must not be broken down prior to 14.00hrs |
Access for unloading/loading, parking
- To ensure that contact can be made directly with your stand builder/contractor. BMUS will require the contact name, phone number & email address of your stand builder or sub-contractor. We will also require a contact number for the driver of each vehicle as the parking will be limited and they will be called to tell them when they can access the building. This process must be followed, please advise this information to tracey@bmus.org by Friday 15th November.
- Upon arrival in Coventry your contractor should make their way to Judds Lane, Coventry, CV6 6GE. Your contractor will be supplied with full details of how the parking system works in relation to the access to the venue for set up and a map to guide them to the venue by Tracey from the BMUS office.
- Please note:
- Under no circumstances will you be able to unload any earlier than the allocated time. Please ensure that your stand builder/contractor adheres to these instructions to allow a safe a constructive build.
- Any rubbish including wires, screws, wood & nails must be disposed of in the bins provided or taken away before the start of the event.
- Please contact tracey@bmus.org if you have not received your access time by Friday 15th November.
Stand Breakdown
From 14:00 – 22:00 on Thursday 12th December – Breakdown is not permitted before 14.00hrs
Please Note:
- All stands MUST remain intact until all the delegates have vacated the hall at 14:00 on Thursday 12th December.
- An early breakdown or packing up not only impinges on the venue Health & Safety regulations, but it is detrimental to the quality of the event for other exhibitors and delegates, please ensure your stand is staffed until breakdown commences.
- Please also ensure that your stands are manned until the closing time of 14:00 on the final day.
There is a limited amount of communal storage available. All items left in the storage area must be fully labelled and are left at the exhibitor’s own risk. Please contact the BMUS office tracey@bmus.org if you intend to use the storage facilities.
The in-house security team are on site throughout the whole event from build-up through to breakdown.
The housekeeping department will provide a full cleaning service at the end of the build-up time. The exhibition area, will be cleaned at the end of each day. Please be aware that stands will not be vacuumed for Health & Safety and insurance reasons. Any rubbish which you wish to dispose of should be bagged up and left for housekeeping to collect at the end of each day. Rubbish bags should be left by your stand but out of any walkways.

2024 Appendix A: Europa Furniture Order Form

2024 Appendix H: Name Badge Form - Stand Staff Contractors sub contractors

2024 Appendix K: Risk Assessment
Deadline |
Action |
Who |
30th June |
Where included in the stand package, e-mail logo & hyperlink for the website’s homepage/sponsor webpage |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
30th June |
E-mail company profile & logo for inclusion in the Exhibitor’s webpage on the Ultrasound 2024 website (50 words) Max |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
1st Aug |
Artwork for BMUS News print copy (if booked) |
Sponsor |
19th Sept |
Provide artwork (105mm x 105mm) for BMUS 2024 Wall planner (if booked) |
Sponsor |
19th Sept |
Provide pads and pens for delegate packs (if booked) |
Sponsor |
19th Sept |
Provide the 100 words for the entry in the Exhibitor Pages of the Printed Programme |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
10th Oct |
Supply artwork for advertising in Final Printed Programme |
Sponsor |
10th Oct |
Supply artwork for Student T-shirts (if booked) |
Sponsor |
10th Oct |
Article for Ultrapost (if booked) |
Sponsor |
10th Oct |
Artwork/Logo for Delegate Bag |
Sponsor |
10th Oct |
Artwork/Logo for Lanyard |
Sponsor |
30th Oct |
Confirm delegate bag insert |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
1st Nov |
Artwork for BMUS News digital copy |
Sponsor |
21st Nov |
Gold Sponsors to provide a holding advert slide between sessions Day 1/2/3 |
Sponsor |
Where a link to the conference homepage is included in your sponsorship package, please supply your logo and hyperlink as soon as possible, along with your entry for the exhibitor’s page on the website, which should not exceed 50 words to tracey@bmus.org.
If you have opted for an advert in the print version of BMUS news please send this to Courtney@bmus.org by 1st August. It should have full margins and bleeds and measure quarter page (vertical) 126mm x 94mm.
If you have opted for an advert in the Digital version of BMUS news please send this to Courntey@bmus.org by 1st November. It should have full margins and bleeds and measure quarter page (vertical) 126mm x 94mm.
Please provide your artwork as a high-resolution PDF (105mm x 105mm) for the wall planner to tracey@bmus.org by 19th September 2024
If you have chosen the Pads and Pens marketing option please make sure these are sent to the office by 19th September so the team can add to the delegate packs. Please provide 1000. We will return any unused boxes. The address to send them to is
Care of Courtney Scott
British Medical Ultrasound Society
Margaret Powell House,
Third Floor
405 Midsummer Boulevard,
Milton Keynes,
Please email your 100 words, paragraph & company profile & logo to tracey@bmus.org by 10th October if this differs from the entry on the conference website for insertion in the final programme. Contact details form part of your 100, word limit.
Please submit the artwork for your advertisement as a high-resolution PDF by 10th October to tracey@bmus.org in the following format:
Full Page Portrait in full colour
210mm wide x 280mm deep with 3mm bleed
Horizontal Half Page in full colour
210mm wide x 137mm deep with 3mm bleed
“Failure to provide copy or artwork by 10th October may result in your advertising being excluded from the printed programme.”
As part of their package all Gold Sponsors have a holding slide. This should be set to size 16:9. Please send to emma@bmus.org by 21st November
This marketing option can either be 100 words with a link or an banner image (600x200px). If you have selected this marketing option, please send your artwork and link to Courtney@bmus.org by 10th October.
If you are the sponsoring the Delegate bags please send the artwork/logo for the bags to be printed by 10th October
If you have booked inserts in delegate bags / or have delegate bag inserts included in your stand package please forward 1000 copies using the shipping label (Appendix E). Each box should be labelled with your company name, contents, BMUS ASM, number of boxes being sent and marked for the attention of Rebecca Miller and Emma Tucker. All deliveries should be sent directly to Coventry Building Society Arena to arrive by lunch time Monday 9th December 2024 in order that they can be packed in the delegate bag.
Please note any unauthorised material placed in the delegate bags during the event will be removed & destroyed and will subsequently be charged.
If you are the sponsoring the Conference Lanyards please send the artwork/logo for the Lanyards to be printed by 10th October
Deadline |
Action |
Who |
30th June |
Confirm and agree an outline for the 20 minute educational session with BMUS office and stream lead of the session |
Sponsors |
30th June |
Confirm speaker details for the 20 minute educational session |
Sponsors |
30th Sept |
If having live scanning on your stand Please discuss your plans with Emma Tucker by contacting her on 0207 636 3714 option 5 no later than 30th September. |
Sponsors |
10th Oct |
Where included in the stand package, provide wattage of the machines being used in the practical workshops to X-hibit at info@x-hibit.com |
Sponsors |
15th Nov |
Order any additional lecture passes |
Sponsor & Shell Scheme |
21st Nov |
Return all scanning on the stand consent forms where scanning is taking place on your stand (Appendix F) |
Sponsors |
21st Nov |
Return Application Specialist Name Form, if taking part in the Masterclasses / Practical Workshops (Appendix G) |
Sponsors |
Gold Sponsors only have a 20-minute slot in Plenary 1. For this they should provide 1 educational speaker. This talk will be introduced as coming from the sponsor and be attributed to the sponsor in the programme.
Each sponsor providing this will be connected to the lead putting the stream together. The stream lead will have a over view of what they would like each session to focus on so they may ask you to find a speaker on a specific topic.
Education including the scanning of live models may take place on stands for the purpose of demonstrating equipment, but requires prior approval from BMUS to ensure there is NO conflict with the Scientific Programme. Please discuss your plans with Emma Tucker by contacting her on 0207 636 3714 option 4 no later than 30th September.
The following conditions apply to scanning on the stand:
Pregnant women must not be used as live models unless in collaboration with local NHS Obstetric Services – please see BMUS Guidelines for full information.
Children under the age of 16 must not be used as live models.
Endoscopic, intracavitary and intravascular scanning is not permitted.
Models should not be used for consecutive periods of more than 90 minutes.
All those who carry out live scanning must be able to confirm knowledge of ultrasound.
The upper limits for output should be adhered to: MI<1.0 and TI<1.0
Equipment should be used in such a way as to minimise both MI and TI
Please advise the BMUS office of your scanning intentions and ensure that all of your models have completed a scanning consent form (Appendix F), which should be returned to the BMUS office by 21st November.
Please ensure you have read “Guidelines for the management of safety when using volunteers & patients for practical training in Ultrasound scanning” a copy of these guidelines can be found on the BMUS website at www.bmus.org
As always, the BMUS ASM offers the best in hands on tuition and experience for delegates. There are 5 hands on practical training sessions available at Ultrasound 2024.
Tuesday 10th December
11.30 – 13.00 - MSK 1 Lower Limb
14.00 – 15.30 - MSK 2 Upper Limb
Wednesday 6th December
8.30 – 10.00- Interventional
10.30 – 12.00 – Breaking Bad News (No Machine – role play)
13.00 – 14.30 – Liver Doppler
15.00 – 16.30 – POCUS
Thursday 8th December
09.00 – 10.50 – Gynaecology (No Machine - Simulator)
Should you have booked to have an ultrasound machine in these practical sessions, the following equipment / supplies must to be brought to each of the sessions:
Each machine should have a minimum of the following probes:
- 1 High frequency linear
- 1 Mid frequency linear
General items: Please ensure these are included in your transported items:
- Couch & bed roll
- Chair
- Pillow
- Sheet for the bed
- Sheet for the patient
- Blanket
- Gel
- Probe sanitizer
- Disinfectant hand gel
An application specialist needs to be present at the start of each workshop / masterclass. This is in order that the BMUS faculty member, is able, to demonstrate the machines use properly, and will ensure that each machine is showcased at its best. The name of the application specialist taking part in each session should be provided to the BMUS office by 21st November using Appendix G.
You must confirm the draw down power of the machines that will be used at the workshops by 21st November to tracey@bmus.org.

2024 Appendix F Live Scanning Consent Form